
Friday, April 3, 2020

Working on Painting, photography and hiking.

Since gaming has been ruled out as an activity other hobby activities have been budgeted more time.

My non gaming photos have never come out well so I tried a few other things still not great but I think they're a little better. Last nights test shots. Still getting some shadows.

War of 1812 Delewares by Conquest.

War of 1812 Kentucky Mounted Rifles by Old Glory

Boxers by Scruby

USMC & Boxers by Scruby
Here are a few GNW Figures I shot early one morning.
Karl XII by Holger Eriksson 

Russian Grenadiers by Andy Stadden

Swedish Cavalry by Holger Eriksson

The hiking trails are a little more crowded but there's plenty of space for all.
View of the Bear Mountain Bridge from the south.

Random stream.

I actually see more deer in by backyard but this one was about 15 feet away.

Water so clear in my younger days I would have drank it.

All in all things are good. I'm lucky to have hobbies and a spouse who shares one and has some of her own :-).  Thanks to all who stopped by for a read there's so many great blogs out there I'm having trouble keeping up with them all.


  1. Beautiful scenery. Where were these hiking photos taken?

    1. Harriman State Park about 30 miles north of NYC.

  2. Really enjoyed your photos especially of the hiking, took me out of myself and the house.Thanks.

  3. Good looking stuff. The miniatures need a little more light on the front. Like those nature pix. I think I've seen that deer around.
