Blue had seven Infantry units, two Skirmishers, two Cavalry and four guns.
Red had four Infantry, two Skirmishers, two Cavalry, three guns and a Gatling gun.
A run of red cards allowed Red to consolidate his position while Blue took some long range shot with their guns. Turn two saw a more balanced run of cards giving Blue the chance to move some troops up and contact Red
The battle went back and forth for awhile and Blue started a flank assault first on the right with the Cavalry Brigade and then on the left with some Infantry.
The battle hung in a balance and the hour was getting late.
Then Red decided to charge with his Cavalry. The ensuing melee tore a hole in Blue's center.
This and the fact that it was past our bedtime ended the game.
Another great game with good people. We played on a four foot square table and with the number of troops we had it was a little tight. Another foot or two on the flanks and one more in depth would have been better I think. As for the number of units things worked well. It seems seven to ten units will give about a two hour game. Twelve to sixteen units would take just under three hours.