
Saturday, January 4, 2020

And in an instant it's gone.

You may think I'm referencing the end of the year or the decade for that matter but no it's about my painting goal. Upon awakening on Sunday the 29th of December 2019 I was ahead of my purchases to painted models by 131 figures. A trip to the local Hobby store just to see what paints they had ended with me buying two boxes of Perrys ACW. It was a good deal. How could I resist? How could I forget the two hundred unpainted 15mm ACW figures I already had? Out of sight out of mind as the saying goes. Then an order I had placed from Warfare Miniatures arrived driving up the total. I had anticipated this an managed to paint almost enough to compensate. Still the year end number was in the black but 100 plus would have looked better than the 27 I ended up with.

I started this post on the 30th of December, now we're already three days into the new year. Since I'm starting with I clean slate I placed an order for some Empress Vietnam War figures taking advantage of the sale Age of Glory was running. I also wanted to get to painting them while I was still excited about the period and not caught by some other  shiny thing.

An advantage of keeping track of things is that at the end of the year when others are wondering where the year went you can look at the records and see what was done.
  • 31 games played
  • 334 figures painted
  • 1,045 Miles ridden on my bikes
  • 1 Grand daughter born
Another fun filled year in the books.

Vietnam game.

First of the Vietnam collection.

Waiting for the light.
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY
Week one.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Congratulations on a year well lived!

    1. Thanks, once again I've enjoyed your year end accounting of miniatures painted.

  2. Replies
    1. I've been fortunate to have so many good things come my way.

  3. How does one forget about hundreds of unpainted ACW figures lol. Still, sounds like a successful year and congratulations for the grand daughter. 😀

    1. I guess it was more like "I'll stop smoking after this cigarette." and Thanks.

  4. Wow great year! Congrats on 1045 miles on 2 wheels, and a grand-daughter

  5. Thanks and in a year I'll be able to take her along. Not that I'm rushing things. :-)
