
Saturday, January 27, 2018

No painting, no gaming. I'll call it research.

As we come towards the end of the month I've missed several chances for gaming and haven't lifted a paint brush, before you fell sorry for me I have been able to get some research in. It's taken the form a trip to visit a daughter in Stockholm.

First stop Valhalla Bageriet for a cardamon bun and the seasonal Semla. Next was off to the History Museum We didn't plan enough time for this it certainly needs more than the hour or so that we were there. A nice display of early Swedish inhabitants with a collection of Roman weapons, the Viking exhibit with it's many artifacts from the dig at Birka, the history of Sweden timeline and the Gold room took most of our time.
Model of ship.

Model of town.

Ships at dock.
Giant cat of the Vikings or perhaps Loki in disguise.

We pretty much ran through what was left the Medieval Art and Medieval Massacre sections but will go back another day. 

Uniform from GNW.
Mans clothing.
Women's dress.
Women's Dress.
The next day we went over to the Army Museum  as I had been here before I didn't take but one picture. Now I need to find a figure for the Shiny Toy Soldier project in that tricorne hat.
Officer and cadet early 20th century.

The Wargame exhibit was closed but I had missed most of the rest of the exhibits we went trough those. My normal scheduling challenges arose when we found out that the tour on Military uniforms in pop culture was starting and we were off to a dinner reservation. We left with the music of Jimi Hendrix blasting away.


  1. This is the type of research I like. a wonder through a museum. Thanks for sharing your photos.

    1. And both these museums have some fun hands on exhibits.

  2. Swedes in tricornes, that would be a splendid army to field for the late nineteenth early twentieth century.

  3. Very nice pictures! Especially like the dark age stuff.

  4. I went to Norway this summer, and these beautiful photos remind me of the museums of this neighboring country ...Loveey post!

  5. Nicely pictures, thanks for sharing
